The Value Web Patterns Dialogue Series Workshop Graphic. Hosts: Rob Evans and Todd Johnston

Thursday, March 28, 2024

8:00 AM – 9:30 AM PST/Los Angeles
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CST/Chicago
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST/New York

15:00 – 16:30 GMT/London
16:00 – 17:30 CET/Paris
17:00 – 18:30 EET/Helsinki
18:00 – 19:30 EAT/Nairobi

Check Your Time Zone Here

HOSTS: Rob Evans and Todd Johnston

Register Here

Join us for the sixth session of the Patterns Dialogue Series! Attendance at the previous sessions is not a prerequisite for participating in this one.


The ability to recognize patterns is at the heart of how we think and act. Patterns give us clues about what is happening to and around us. They guide us as we choose how to act. They help us learn from experience and get better at what we do.
Join Todd Johnston and Rob Evans in this series of dialogues as they continue to talk about the patterns that make MG Taylor-based work so effective. They will draw from their combined experience of over 50 years practicing with the MG Taylor-based approach to collaboration, as well as Rob’s book Patterns, and especially from the experiences of the participants themselves.

These conversations typically zoom in and out, touch on particulars and generalizations, and combine ideas and experiences in novel and insightful ways.

For our upcoming dialogues – on 28 March and 04 April – we will be taking a workshop approach – in which participants will get to select one to possibly several “new” Patterns to focus on, play with, and develop together.

Register today and join us.

Host Bios

Rob Evans

Rob Evans is recognized as one of the world’s best-known and most respected facilitators. He has taught thousands of leaders and facilitators in the private, public, and NGO sectors.

THE COLLABORATION CODE® is a book series curated by Rob Evans, co-founder of Imaginal Labs. Book one in the series, Patterns“unpacks the ‘secret sauce’ of collaborative work—those principles of practice drawn from a deep understanding of how humans can learn and design new solutions as the highest level of performance.”

For information about purchasing books, The Collaboration Code® 

Todd Johnston

Todd Johnston is a freelance mutual learner fascinated by collaborative design ecologies and intent on developing and deepening social processes for mutual learning, co-creation and finding our way.

Todd has been steeped in MG Taylor models, methods, practices and cultures for more than three decades. His LinkedIn profile offers a glimpse into the many ways he has drawn on this profound toolset in the field of collaboration design and facilitation.

NOTEThis event is free to all participants. 

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Photo by Georgia Visacri on Unsplash

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