The Value Web Learning Community Design Gym: Planting a Problem Tree Graphic. Host: Peter Durand
Thursday, May 25, 2023


8:00 AM – 9:30 AM PDT/Los Angeles
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CDT/Chicago
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT/New York

16:00 – 17:30 BST/London
17:00 – 18:30 CEST/Paris
18:00 – 19:30 EAT/Nairobi
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When working with others to understand a “wicked problem” with many interconnected issues, a Problem Tree can serve as a powerful visual tool for collaborative design.

Good modeling requires that we have just enough of the “right” transparencies in the map. Of course, the right transparencies depend on the needs of a particular user.” ― John H. Miller

HOST: TVW Board Member & Graphic Facilitator Peter Durand

Recording and Session Notes Available Here

Learn How to Create a Problem Tree Diagram

Join this month’s Design Gym for a virtual workshop on “How to Create a Problem Tree Diagram.”

If you’re passionate about problem-solving and seeking effective strategies to tackle complex, adaptive problems, this workshop is perfect for you.

Join our TVW Learning Community to discover the power of problem tree diagrams and gain the skills to navigate challenges with confidence and precision.

What is a Problem Tree Diagram?

A problem tree diagram is a visual tool that helps identify and analyse the root causes of a problem, allowing you to understand its underlying complexities. It provides a structured approach to problem-solving, enabling you to break down complex issues into manageable components and uncover the relationships between various factors. By mapping out the problem’s causes and effects, a problem tree diagram serves as a foundation for developing effective solutions.

Benefits of Creating a Problem Tree for a Complex, Adaptive Problem

Deep Understanding: Complex, adaptive problems often involve numerous interconnected factors. Creating a problem tree diagram gives you a comprehensive understanding of the problem’s underlying causes and their relationships. This deeper insight empowers you to develop targeted solutions that address the root causes rather than merely treating the symptoms.

Systemic Thinking: Complex problems require a systemic approach. Problem tree diagrams encourage you to think holistically and consider the broader context in which the problem exists. You’ll be able to identify the interdependencies between different elements and how they contribute to the problem, helping you design lasting interventions.

Effective Planning: A problem tree diagram serves as a roadmap for problem-solving. It helps you prioritise your efforts by highlighting the most critical causes that require immediate attention. By focusing your resources and energy on these key areas, you can develop efficient strategies and action plans that yield significant results.

Collaborative Decision-Making: Complex problems often involve multiple stakeholders and perspectives. Problem tree diagrams facilitate collaboration by providing a shared visual representation of the problem. This tool enables effective communication, alignment of goals, and informed decision-making among team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Challenges of Creating a Problem Tree

Data Gathering: Obtaining accurate and comprehensive data for a complex problem can be challenging. It may require collecting information from various sources, conducting interviews, and analysing diverse data sets. However, the effort put into gathering reliable data is essential for constructing an accurate problem tree diagram.

Identifying Root Causes: Determining the root causes of a complex, adaptive problem can be intricate. Often, multiple factors contribute to the problem, and their interactions may take time to be evident. Identifying the underlying causes requires careful analysis, critical thinking, and collaboration with domain experts.

Managing Complexity: Complex problems can be overwhelming due to their intricate nature. Creating a problem tree diagram demands simplifying and structuring the complexity effectively. It involves breaking down the problem into manageable components without oversimplifying it, striking the right balance between comprehensiveness and clarity.

Dynamic Nature: Complex problems are often adaptive, evolving over time, and may have interconnected feedback loops. Building a problem tree diagram requires acknowledging the dynamic nature of the problem and being prepared to update and refine the diagram as new insights emerge.

Join Our Virtual Workshop and Practise the Problem Tree Diagram Process

Our virtual workshop offers a unique opportunity to learn how to create problem tree diagrams for complex, adaptive problems. Led by industry experts, the workshop will provide hands-on guidance and practical exercises to develop your skills. By the end of the workshop, you’ll be equipped with a powerful problem-solving tool and the confidence to tackle even the most complex challenges.

Don’t miss this chance to enhance your problem-solving capabilities and make a real impact.

SUGGESTED MATERIALS: A sketchbook, white wall, flipchart, iPad, and simple drawing tools. Plus, your fanciest strategic thinking hat.

Your Host

Photo of Peter DurandPeter Durand is an artist, educator, and graphic facilitator in Houston, Texas (USA). He was born in the highlands of Kenya but grew up near the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States. He studied painting, illustration, and printmaking at Washington University in St. Louis, the Cité des Arts in Paris, and the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland. He worked his first DesignShop® in 1996, founded Alphachimp in 1998, and has been involved in growing the practice of graphic recording and facilitation ever since.

Since 2007, he has facilitated the MGT-designed NavCenter at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. He has worked with talented clinicians, administrators, faculty, students, and patients in one of the nation’s leading healthcare networks.

For more details and to contact Peter: click here.

Image made with Midjourney AI.

This event is free to all participants. 
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