The Value Web Book Rave Logo. Read a book as a team.

HOSTS: Phillipe Coullomb | Gail Taylor | Matt Taylor | Rob Evans 

Book Rave Organizing Call
Choose one of the two following zoom call options:

Monday, February 6, 2023
11:00 – 12:00 AM EST
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5:00 – 6:00 PM CET
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Monday, February 6, 2023
7:00 – 8:00 PM EST
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Tuesday, February 7, 2023
11:00 – 12:00 AM AEDT
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Syntopical Reading in partnership with The Value Web’s Learning Community

Book #1: Ways of Being

HOSTS: Phillipe Coullomb | Gail Taylor | Matt Taylor | Rob Evans 

Join us and begin 2023 with a new(ish) form of Syntopical Reading in partnership with The Value Web’s Learning Community.  Let’s read something extraordinary and play ‘Spoze!’

What? We will begin with one book: Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence, by James Bridle.

Why? We consider the ideas and philosophy within the book at the core of how we can play a significant role in all life’s well-being.  Over the past ten years, many of us have been learning about the intelligence of trees, animals, insects, plants, and technology. Bridle shows us an exciting path and wakes us up to the mind shifts we can make to engage in new ways of coming to knowing. He reveals the agency in everything… and how it works together with our agency.

How:  We will host two Organizing Calls, hosted by some combination of Gail, Matt, Philippe, and Rob, and over two time zones. The Dialogue Calls are where we will share what we each learned and explore that together.

The Organizing Call will be 60 minutes (or less); the Dialogue Call will last two hours. During the Organizing Call, we will overview the book and choose individually the chapter each of us will read, and we will confirm the schedule for the Dialogue Call.

If interested, get the book from your favorite supplier, read the introduction, and scan the chapter titles.

Individual preparation: After you choose a section of the book during the Organizing Call, your work as a chapter reader is to prepare a 5(ish) minute summary with a synthesis of that ‘deep dive’ for the Dialogue Call.

We will host two two-hour Dialogue Calls (covering the different time zones) two to three weeks after the Organizing Calls. Readers will summarize each chapter and share how it spoke to them and the critical thoughts they heard from the author. Together we will have a deep dialogue around what we are learning about global intelligence and how these discoveries can affect our work and lives. The conversations will be recorded and scribed to send to James Bridle with our thoughts, appreciation, questions, and so whats. Our letter to him will include the recording and be signed by all readers. Who knows what might become of this?

What’s next after this book? There are quite a few rich, creative, and imaginative books coming out now about how to shape the future. Once we have worked out the bugs in the Book Rave process and completed this first book, we can continue to read, explore, and find ways to enrich our understanding of how to play in and with the future.

Now what? Join us! This can be a rich way of learning together, playing with ideas and putting them to work. If you have friends or clients who would like to play, please invite them to join. There is no need to be a member of the Learning Community to engage.

Gail, Matt, Philippe, Rob

Session Notes and Recording Available Here

NOTE: This Book Rave is free to all participants.

TVW Learning Community Members have access to valuable resources and recordings. It is also a platform for building relationships across networks and the world.

Not a member yet? You can become a member here.


Philippe Coullomb is a seasoned global facilitator and management consultant with 25 years of experience focused on designing and facilitating workshops and collaborative engagements around multiple stakeholders and highly complex issues.

He is the co-founder of Openfield and Openfield Institute. He co-authored Collaboration by design, a book about the theory and practice of multi-stakeholder collaboration and complex decision-making.

He is based in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and works across Europe and Asia Pacific.

Gail Taylor is the founder and CEO of Tomorrow Makers, Inc., helping to create scaffolds and tools for leaping the abyss from one paradigm to another. She was also the founder of The Learning Exchange, and co-founder of MG Taylor, Inc. Gail’s work has ranged from early childhood education to global corporations, start-up enterprises, not-for-profits, and communities. In all circumstances, Gail recognizes the dormant creativity within the group and awakens it to move forward toward healthy goals and new ways of working together.

Matt Taylor is a designer, inventor, teacher, facilitator, sailor, and entrepreneur. He has focused his career on applying architectural design methods to solving complex, systemic problems at the intersection of physical environments, ecologies, organizational practices, and visionary ideas. This work involves business processes, tool sets, and software programs. It includes their expression and utilization in the design, construction, and use of virtual and physical environments for collaborative work and sustainable creative living. The components of these environments, and the settings themselves, are designed and built regarding their fit with, and long-term impact on, social-economic-ecological systems.

Matt is the co-founder of the MG Taylor Corporation with partner Gail Taylor.

Rob Evans is recognized as one of the world’s best-known and most respected facilitators. He has taught thousands of leaders and facilitators in the private, public, and NGO sectors.

Rob is the co-founder of Imaginal Labs and the curator of the book series The Collaboration Code®. Book three in the series, Models: Frameworks for Transformation, presents the entire set of models and terms of art in the MG Taylor Modeling Language, including many never-before documented models with illustrations by Kelvy BirdChristopher Fuller, and Kelly Adams.

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