Wednesday, November 3, 2021.

HOSTS: Gail Taylor & Matt Taylor, founders of MG Taylor Inc. 

How can we use books to bring new voices into the room and create opportunities for emergence? Syntopical reading is the craft of reading from many sources together, engaging their authors, and engaging in creative dialog among group members.

Recording & session notes available here.


Based on the work of Mortimer Adler and his book How to Read a Book, Matt and Gail Taylor have applied the practice to their DesignShop™ methods for collaborative design and Weak Signal Research.

Our Workshop

Come prepared to participate by first choosing your book. This can be a book you have read or one you will read before joining the workshop.  It can be on any subject — fiction or documentational — for any age. It can be historical or future-oriented… just choose a book that you have found valuable through engaging and learning with it. Imagine that you know the author and can sense why they wrote the book and why they wanted to get their story told and read by many people.

This is a highly participative workshop. For the Taylors, a synoptical reading exercise is a tool offering practically while expanding horizons and opening context. You will be using it in this workshop to come to know its value for yourself. 

Our Hosts

Gail Taylor is the founder and CEO of Tomorrow Makers, Inc., helping to create scaffolds and tools for leaping the abyss… from one paradigm to another. She was also the founder of The Learning Exchange and co-founder of MG Taylor, Inc. Gail’s work has ranged from early childhood education to global corporations, start-up enterprises, not-for-profits, and communities. In all circumstances, Gail recognizes the dormant creativity within the group and awakens it to move forward toward healthy goals and new ways of working together.

Matt Taylor is a designer, entrepreneur, work process engineer, co-inventor with Gail Taylor of the MGT System and Method. He has 65 years of work experience in architecture, construction management, process design, facilitation, integrating cybernetics, systems, collaborative design, to solve systemic complex problems. His passion is to help develop methods and tools to “Create Planet Earth as a Garden and work-of-art for all living beings.” His way: to integrate history, philosophy, science, conceptual modeling into “a brain-like environment” making PLACE where fragmented knowledge and conflict is turned into highly crafted ACTION documented by applying art, writing, geometry, and metaphor into abScapes Notebooks augmenting future design cycles.

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