Thursday, December 2, 2021  

HOST: TVW Learning Community member Matt Sullivan

Many of us got our start in this ecosystem by working with corporate clients, but feel a calling to be of service well beyond big business.

How might we shift our focus from predominantly corporate projects to working with organizations that are making the world a better place, preferably while continuing to make a living?



We all have a sense of the power of this type of work to change the world and support nonprofits, NGOs, and the like. But how can you go from answering the phone and accepting continuous corporate work to being of service in a different way and building a book of business with organizations that are doing good, all while continuing to pay the bills?

Our Workshop 

In this session, we’ll hear from members of our community who have successfully built at least a significant part of their practices around doing just that. We’ll focus on the HOW of expanding our practices in more intentional directions. We’ll also hear from a representative from the target client group who will share insights on what they need most from our community.

Panel speakers will include:

  • Sita Magnuson is an artist, entrepreneur, community catalyst, and self-proclaimed futurist with two decades experience in the fields of process design, facilitation and visualization. Her practice lives at the intersection of Social Infrastructure (how we connect and co-create), Environment, Space & Place (how we hold humanity and possibility in built environments), and Cognitive Evolution (how we think and learn—individually and collectively)
  • Alfredo Carlo is collaboration designer, graphic facilitator and entrepreneur, founder of Housatonic, a studio focused on making it easy for organizations to better organize, communicate and explain relevant and complex content through visual outcomes such as animations, illustrations, graphics and scribing. A core member of The Value Web and former graffiti artist. He has translated his interest in design and interaction between human beings into his profession as founding partner of Housatonic Design Network and since 2011 partner of Matter Group.
  • Dan Newman is a Rome-based partner in Matter Group, which designs and facilitates large-scale workshops in the voluntary and private sectors. He has been part of the MGTaylor community since 1996, before which he was a strategy consultant at Ernst & Young. He is the author of From the Front of the Room  Notes on Facilitation for Experienced Practitioners.
  • Mike Fleisch designs and facilitates collaborative work for organizations and communities across the world. He is currently supporting initiatives with the Global Commons Alliance, the Kauffman Foundation, and a variety of NSF-funded projects and programs. He founded Chase Public, a space for art and assembly in Cincinnati, Ohio, and continues to develop a local presence for dpict in Cincinnati through his work with the University of Cincinnati, the Haile Foundation and a variety of other community-based partners. He lives with his wife and three children in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Anna Pineda works in the international fundraising team of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF),  an international independent medical humanitarian organization. She coordinates capacity building and knowledge sharing among 800 fundraisers working in 32 countries, through Communities of Practice and Peer to Peer support programs. Previously, she was Fundraising Director in MSF Spain and she had also worked in the for-profit sector as marketing and export manager in several companies for 10 years.

Our Hosts 

  • Matt Sullivan is a visual communications designer, graphic recorder, educator, and introvert at heart who has been chasing this “From Corporate to Common Good” topic for years. He put this session together to help him and others crack this nut and shift his practice toward being of service in a world that seems in dire need.


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