We had a simple idea for FIKR 14

The FIKR 14 conference introduced a new method brought by The Value Web to facilitate dialogue amongst participants around the issues they felt were the most important for the future of Arab integration.
We came to Cairo with a simple idea: the ability of an organization or a group to transform itself is directly linked with the quality of dialogue that exist amongst its members.

FIKR 14’s main objective was to prepare the participants for a very different format next year. Every participants of the conference took an active role in paving the way for a renewed dialogue in the arab world and were asked to frame the questions that next conference would need to tackle.

This method is about changing the way we talk and listen. This is the reason why we began to build an Arabic facilitation capability in order to support FIKR conferences for the years to come.

The Value Web is committed to support the emergence of this new community of practice over the coming years.

The Arab Thought Foundation

The Arab Thought Foundation is a non-profit organization tasked to advance Arab cultural solidarity, and promote Arab world progress, with openness to world cultures. The Foundation seeks to bring about initiatives, programs and development forums, and build partnerships within the Arab culture to advance diligence and creativity values in it.


The Arab World is witnessing today significant geopolitical changes. And whereas the main challenge lies in the revival of the dream of unity and Arab integration, it became crucial to implement stability, growth, prosperity and advancement in our societies. Henceforth, the Arab World needs a platform that would bring together political experts and analysts along with economists and strategists to discuss the current situation and prospects in the Arab region, with a regional and global overlook.

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